indoor tanning faqs


I have never tanned indoors before, what should I expect?

Every new Luxe Tanning client must fill out an information form, detailing tanning history and any skin sensitivities or concerns. Our Smart Tan Certified staff will determine your exposure time based on your skin type and recommended the right equipment and packages for you. Our staff is there to answer any of your questions; all you have to do is ask!

Is tanning indoors safer than tanning outdoors in the sun?

At Luxe Tanning, you're tanning in a controlled environment. This allows you to build a gradual tan tailored to your skin type, to achieve your desired results, increase your natural SPF and most importantly, avoid overexposure.

After I tan, when can I expect to see results?

A beautiful, bronze tan doesn't always happen your first visit – you need to build a base tan first. With that in mind, most people start seeing results by their second or third visit. At Luxe, we encourage a gradual approach to tanning and we recommend the ideal exposure times for each client because we never, ever want you to get a sunburn. To maximize your tanning sessions and achieve your desired results, we can recommend the ideal lotion for your skin type.

How often am I allowed to tan?

At Luxe, we require a minimum of 24-hours between tans; ideally, we recommend that a 48-hour time period should pass between tanning sessions. Colour and/or sunburn may not be fully visible for 12-24 hours after your session, so it's best to take a break. Two tanning sessions within this 24-hour period, or outdoor tanning on the same day as you indoor tan, could result in over-exposure and long-term skin damage.

What is a Smart Tan?

A Smart Tan is achieved by building your tan gradually and in a controlled fashion. This allows your skin to develop a natural tan without burning and gives pigment a chance to develop. A Smart Tan means never overexposing your skin, and never allowing yourself to get a sunburn. Gradual and controlled exposure, while following the advice of our certified staff, will not only help you build a better tan, but will also help prevent long term skin damage.

Why do I need to wear protective eyewear while tanning indoors?

Every Luxe Tanning client is required to wear specialized protective eyewear. We recommend that you purchase your own pair, as we don’t provide them for sanitary purposes. We also offer single-use disposable eyewear for a small charge. This eyewear is essential: wearing them will prevent any damage to your eyes. Wearing protective eyewear will also prevent short-term effects such as tired, itchy eyes, headaches and loss of night vision. No one should ever be in a tanning bed/booth without approved eye protection.

Why do some doctors warn people against UV exposure?

While some doctors may advocate total avoidance of all sun exposure, many doctors and dermatologists have acknowledged the need for moderate, controlled sun exposure and Vitamin D. UV exposure can be beneficial for many reasons as long as over-exposure doesn't occur. For more information feel free to take a look at

Why is getting Vitamin D so important to my health?

Vitamin D, or the Sunshine Vitamin, is a preventative vitamin. This means that it has the power to help prevent many serious conditions and diseases. We get 90% of our Vitamin D from exposure to UVB, and regular, controlled smart tanning at Luxe Tanning is a great way to benefit from this Sunshine Vitamin. For more information check out

What does it mean to be an International Smart Tan and JCTA member?

At Luxe, we're proud to be members of both associations. The International Smart Tan Network is the leading educational trade association for professional indoor tanning facilities worldwide. Our staff is Smart Tan certified, which means we uphold the highest standards of indoor tanning and are governed by all Smart Tan policies and procedures. As a JCTA (Joint Canadian Tanning Association) member, we aim to educate on the professional tanning industry's scientifically supported position that regular, moderate and responsible ultra-violet exposure is part of a healthy lifestyle that recognizes both the inherent benefits and the manageable risks associated with ultraviolet light exposure.

How can I achieve the darkest tan in one visit?

Our ‘Double-Dip’ service is the best way to get dark, fast! Perfect for a date, special event, pre-vacation or photo shoot. A ‘Double-Dip’ starts with an indoor tanning session in our High-Pressure Bronzing Sunbed (OPEN SUN 1050) followed immediately by a VersaPro Spray Tan session. How it works: The Bronzing Sunbed has more UVA than a typical tanning bed, which oxidizes your body's melanin and bronzes your skin. The warmth from this tanning session will open up your pores to help prep you for your Spray Tan session and give you optimum Spray Tan results!